35 - 45 Mins
YOGA: Gentle or Strong: Twisting Clean (45mins)
A cleansing twisting sequence to get everything flowing and clearing. Choose the gentle or the strong options throughout.
YOGA: Gentle or Strong: Posture Practice (45mins)
Ready for some fresh shoulder moves to get them strong and mobile. Throw in some back strengtheners and we have ourselves the perfect posture practice. Make sure you have 2 blocks or books.
YOGA: Strong Flow: Headstand Help (45mins)
Take your handstand to the next level with this perfect pre-conditioning sequence to aid you in getting further. Enjoy taking flight.
YOGA: Strong Flow: Secret Sauce (45mins)
Getting the most out of our shoulder mobility and chest opening with a little trick up our sleeve.
YOGA: Gentle or Strong: Feather Your Nest (45mins)
Taking movements (either gentler versions, or stronger versions - your choice) towards Feather of Peacock. Fun and fluid flow with some spice for those who want it.
YOGA: Strong Flow: Let go (45mins)
Using breath and other auditory cues top deepen our state of calm whilst in the challenges to amplify the magic of the practice.
YOGA: Strong Flow: Open Hearted to the Sky (45mins)
Open wide and bright with this side focussed class where we open successively more and more to the sky.
YOGA: Strong Flow: Diaphragm (45mins)
Today we are ensuring our diaphragm muscle, the main breathing muscle, is moving well. This will have a beneficial impact on shoulder strength and mobility and in turn the good working of the entire body.
YOGA: Gentle or Strong: Quad Quest (45mins)
Choose either to gently invigorate or to strongly challenge your quads, front of thighs, in this fun 45 minuter.
YOGA: Gentle or Strong: Scapular Magic (45mins)
Working on our scapular/shoulder placement in strength positions to build stability around this amazingly mobile joint. Choose either the gentle options or the strong options as we go through.
YOGA: Gentle or Strong: Sidewinder (45mins)
Exploring stretching and strengthening within side movements with a funky challenge for those taking the stronger options.
YOGA: Gentle OR Strong Flow: Tricep Fun (45mins)
This week we are challenging (gentle or strongly) our triceps. Go as far with each pose as suits and enjoy.
YOGA: Gentle OR Strong Flow: You Choose (45mins)
Will you choose Gentle or Strong? Introducing our new slow flow class format which allows you to tailor the intensity to what your body needs in the moment. This one is great for spine health.
FITNESS: Bodyweight Cardio & Pyramid Workout (45mins)
Join Tom for a 45 minute session focused on cardio and strength endurance.
STRENGTH: Endurance and HIIT (45mins)
You will need a chair and a towel or resistance band for this fast paced 45 minute blast!
FITNESS: Cardio, crawl, core & HIIT (45mins)
Get a sweat on with this quick fire cardio, crawl, core and HIIT workout.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight, HIIT & Core (45mins)
Join for Tom for a tough but envigorating Saturday session, combining strength work, then HIIT and core work.
STRENGTH: 3 Amigos – the chair, the towel and the weight (45mins)
Join 3 of our fav friends duringlockdown, the chair, the towel and the weight (aka a bag full of tins and books) for a match (and a workout) made in heaven.
STRENGTH: Warrior 300 Workout (45mins)
This is our warrior workout in honour of this years winter warriors who smashed our 28 day winter warrior challenge.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight Strength, HIIT & Core (45mins)
A straight up body weight workout using an Every Minute On The Minute sctructure, wrapping up with HIIT and core.
STRENGTH: Pyramid Strength & Performance (45mins)
Take on the pyramid climb with this challenging workout, broken into 3 x 9 minute blocks.
STRENGTH: Full Body EMOM & Team Challenge (42mins)
Challenge your strength, fitness and mental toughness with this session.
STRENGTH: Supersets & HIIT (45mins)
Double up on the strength challenge with this supersets workout.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight Blitz (45mins)
Get a full body blast with this 45 minute workout, finishing with a focus on glutes.
YOGA: Strong Flow: White Revolver (25/45mins)
Available in either a 25min or a 45min version, in this practice we revolve and step and float and all sorts. Come along for the journey and leave your mat feeling a whole heap better. 45 min version (scroll down for 25min version): 25 min version:
YOGA: Gentle Flow: Forearm Calm (35mins)
Getting creative with some forearm movements to ease into shoulders, ribs, chest and arms. With the usual stability and postural focus as well as a bloody good stretch :-).
STRENGTH: Strength Pairs & HIIT (45mins)
You'll need a chair for this fast paced workout focusing on pairs of exercises for rounds, we top it off with a short sharp HIIT "I go You go" finisher.
YOGA: Gentle Flow: Back to Ease (35/50mins)
Available as a 35 min vid or a 50min vid, this gentle flow focuses on a series of different back bending motions to encourage mobility of our spine, length of the side waists and toning of our core. A great stability inducing gentle flow. 50 min Version (scroll down...
STRENGTH: Fast Flowing Chair & Towel Workout (48mins)
This one should be called Tom's Testing Trios. Fast flowing rounds of 3 movements topped off with HIIT and core.
STRENGTH: Weighted Workout & 5min Challenge (45mins)
Here's another weeks weighted workout for you, plus a rep based challenge to really test you at the finish.
FITNESS: Cardio & Core (45mins)
Try this 3 part workout focusing on aerobic cardio conditioning, core strength, and finishing up with a anaerobic cardio blast.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight and Core (45mins)
This session is focuses on stregth and core, without the dreaded HIIT finisher!
STRENGTH: Bodyweight Lower : Upper Circuit (48mins)
Join Tom for a fast paced lower body : upper body split circuit and team challenge.
YOGA: Strong Flow: Extend it out (35 mins)
Get your core fired up in this fun Friday morning recording that includes hip opening and side strengthening to get that Friday feeling flowing. Better that your morning coffee.
STRENGTH: Upper Lower Split Session (45mins)
This session is divided into 2 sections, first focusing on upper body strength, then working lower body strength. Grab a pair of weights or use household items (like jars of pasata!) and a large towel.
FITNESS: Cardio & Team Challenge (45mins)
Join the Saturday superstars for a cardio blast and finish with a team challenge.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight Strength, HIIT & Core
Welcome back in 2021. Get moving again with Tom's first workout of 2021...
YOGA: Yin: Changing Hips (45mins)
Let go of all your stresses in another edition of our popular deeply resting practice - yin. Hip and inner things are the areas of focus tonight so get your cushions and bolsters ready, pop on some relaxing music and let's relax.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight Strength & Core (45mins)
All you need is a chair for this 45 minute circuit workout
STRENGTH: Weighted Workout & HIIT (45mins)
Grab a weight or improvise with a backpack filled with tins or books...
STRENGTH: Bodyweight SuperSets & HIIT (45mins)
Build strength and endurance with this bodyweight supersets workout. You will need a sturdy chair, bench, stool, step or low table that can support your bodyweight.
STRENGTH: Chair and Cardio Workout (45mins)
Grab a chair or bench for this strength and cardio workout with Tom.
STRENGTH: Bodyweight & Core Bench or Chair (45mins)
Get a 2 for 1 workout with this 45 minute session divided into to mini workouts.
FITNESS: Cardio & Core (45mins)
Blast away the cobwebs and get moving with this killer cardio and core challenge.
FITNESS: Leg & Cardio Combo Workout (45mins)
Get into this fast and effective 45 minute workout focusing on leg strength and blended cardio exercises.
STRENGTH: Super Set Session (45mins)
Work on your dips, l-sits and more with this super set chair workout.
STRENGTH: Mr Powell vs. The Towel (45mins)
All you need is a large towel, for this strong workout with Mr. Powell
STRENGTH: A Quick Chair Workout (35mins)
Grab a sturdy chair, step or coffee table and get into this leg focused workout.
YOGA: Gentle Flow: Renew and Refresh (45mins)
A gentle flow to release stresses and tensions throughout the body. Focused a little more on the upper arms to create an open receptive posture that will feed your wellbeing long after the class ends. Due to a technical error, please see below this video for the...
STRENGTH: Weighted Workout (45mins)
Make your own DIY weight and let's go for it with this weeks weighted workout.

Contact us
(+44) 7555 058 983